Before we talk about the largest international event dedicated to food, politics of food and environment, let’s get to know about Terra Madre first. Terra Madre is a project conceived by Slow Food. This is a result of Slow Food growth and development and conviction regarding “eating is an agricultural act and producing is a gastronomic act.”
Quoted from Terra Madre, Terra Madre was born to give small-scale producers voice and visibility, to raise awareness of the true value of their work, and providing them with the tools needed to be able to work in better conditions. Since more and more people are interested in slow food and in this movement, Terra Madre Salone del Gusto is created as the biggest international event dedicated to food, environment, agriculture, and food politics.
Javara has been part of the Slow Food movement since 2010. Their values of good, clean and fair food for everybody as well as their conviction on the importance of food biodiversity and food sovereignty has very much aligned with the very reasons of Javara’s existence. Our founder, Ms. Helianti Hilman also served as the member of International Councillors of Slow Food from 2012 to 2016.

Since 2010, Javara has been participating and exhibiting at the bi-annual Terra Madre – Salone del Gusto events, showcasing forgotten food ingredients of Indonesian Archipelago and taking an active role in a series of related talks, food workshops and food tasting events. In these occasions, Javara has also facilitated numerous champion farmers/food artisans to attend and participate in such a festive that celebrate and dignify smallholder farmers and food artisans.
Among others are Ketut Kaping and Wayan Kanten, who attended 2012 Salone Del Gusto; Dwipoyono and Hesri Yeldi who attended 2014 Salone del Gusto and Charles Toto who attended 2018 Salone del Gusto.

This year, Terra Madre Salone del Gusto’s event is quite different from usual. Due to this pandemic situation, 2020 Terra Madre Salone del Gusto will be primary made of digital events, which is being constantly updated on
This year’s Salone del Gusto edition will be packed with voices, stories and contributions from 160 countries around the world with the theme “Our Food, Our Planet, Our Future”. For more information, you could visit their official website for the newest update of event & registration!
Javara also participated at the virtual exhibition which can be find in this link:
Don’t miss out Terra Madre 2020 and learn how food, culture, politics of food around the world is being discussed and featured.
Stay tuned on our Instagram for more updates! @javaraindonesia