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Pemuteran Sea Salt : The Perfect Seasoning

By September 17, 2020October 25th, 2022No Comments
Garam Pemuteran Javara

Being an archipelago where water takes up more than 60% of the island, Indonesia is undoubtedly one of the largest salt producers. Yet, there are only a few who know about the story of how Javara’s Pemuteran Sea Salt got to our hands these days. If you’re interested, check the full story on our Javarapedia!

The usage of salt is a necessity, especially in the culinary world. Salt not only acts as a seasoning but also to make the unique and delicate flavors of each ingredient stands out.

In order to give out the best and authentic Indonesian flavors, Javara has created our own Pemuteran Sea Salt, which is named after the place where it was produced, Pemuteran, Bali. Many who has ever ordered is probably more familiar with its other name, ‘Balinese Sea Salt with a Blue Cover’.

Proses Garam Pemuteran Javara

The Advantages of Javara Pemuteran Salt

  • Free From Chemicals
    Javara’s Pemuteran Sea Salt is produced in a traditional way, utilizing a greenhouse to give out a consistent texture and taste regardless of the climate changes. In relation to that, we also refrain from using chemicals such as Sodium Hypochlorite, or an anti-caking agent which could change the taste and texture, and have the potential to harms our body
  • Free from microplastic and other dangerous substances.
    Through two-layers of filtration, we ensure that Javara’s Pemuteran Sea Salt is free from microplastic, dust, and sand.
  • Consistent
    Here, at Javara, we make sure that all of our products are consistent through reprocessing and dehydrating the Sea Salt in a greenhouse, allowing us to control the sanitation and humidity which could greatly affect the taste and texture of the salt.
  • Product Life/Continuity
    Javara’s Pemuteran Sea Salt can be produced throughout the year regardless of external factors. The usage of the greenhouse, and stable temperature also contributed to that as well.
  • Low Water Content
  • Mineral Rich
Pengaplikasian Garam Pemuteran Javara

Application of Salt

You can use Javara’s salt for the following items:

  • Cooking
    Javara’s Pemuteran Sea Salt has a more intense flavor compared to other salts.
  • Mouthwash
    Study has found that using a salt and water solution as a mouthwash can help reduce the amount of bacteria in our mouth
  • Salt Bath
    Another use of Salt is to mix it into the water and use it as a bath. Study found that soaking yourself in a salt bath can help reduce fatigue.
  • Scrub Mixture (add CCO + essential oil)
    By mixing Salt, Essential oil and Coconut oil, you can create a scrub that can help you get rid of dead skin cells.
Garam Pemuteran Javara

Javara’s Pemuteran Sea Salt comes in two varieties, one has a blue lid and the other one with a black lid. The Pemuteran Sea Salt with the black lid has been modified so people with auto-immune conditions or autism can consume them. You can order them over at bit.ly/OrderGaramPemuteran



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