Our Bee Whisperer Pure Raw Honey Collection is produced by wild bees that collect nectar from single blossom tree or fruits that are in season. They come from different part of Indonesia, mostly Java, Bali, Sumatera and Kalimantan. Due to the seasonality of the tree blossoms, these honey collection are available purely on seasonal basis. Only small batches can be produced for each blossom honey during the season.
Bee Whisperer Story: Bee Whisperer are indigenous people (locally called pawing) who retain special skill to “communicate” with the wild forest bees and herd these bees to the forest areas that are in season for particular blossoms. These skill allow them to secure a single blossom nectar honey which we enjoy under this collection of Bee Whisperer Honey. Their honey is free from smoky flavor, in contrast to regular wild forest honey that uses smoke to move the bee colonies from their beehives. Our bee whisperers simply put a spell on the bee colonies to allow them collecting the honey safely. Collection is done in sustainable way, to enable the bee colonies continue to exist and strive. It needs over 20,000 bees to collect 1kg of nectar blossom honey, making it an exotic rarity honey delicacy.